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Lavender Rose

T­h­e­se­ flo­we­rs a­re­ o­ft­e­n se­nt­ a­s signs o­f lo­v­e­ a­nd ro­m­a­nt­ic fe­e­lings. T­h­e­ir de­e­p­ p­urp­le­ co­lo­r is a­lso­ a­sso­cia­t­e­d wit­h­ ro­y­a­lt­y­, so­ t­h­a­t­ diffe­re­nt­ sh­a­de­s o­f t­h­e­se­ p­urp­le­ ro­se­s ca­n a­dd a­n dignit­y­ t­o­ a­ny­wh­e­re­ t­h­e­y­ a­re­ p­la­ce­d.

Red Rose

Red roses proclaim "I love you." They are the ultimate symbol of romantic love and enduring passion. A joy to behold, light pink roses express fun and happiness. Deep pink roses say "Thank you."

White Roses

White roses are symbolic of divine love, spirituality, purity, and spiritual unions. In Western society, white rose bouquets are traditional for weddings representing the purity and love for marriage. 12 white roses are an appropriate gift for friends, family, and business associates alike.

Yellow Roses

Yellow Roses almost always signify deep friendship and happiness and are the best rose to express non-romantic affections.



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Kids Enjoying- The Beautiful Sisters

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We married 12yrs back, happy married life.

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